Our children’s ministry exists to enter into the journeys of kids who have yet to discover God’s love, grace and forgiveness, while growing together in a relationship with Jesus.
We Meet on Sundays and other gathering times to inspire children to live with high values and faith in Jesus, while working hand-in-hand with parents to Model what it means to live like Jesus Christ. We Mingle with families as we joyfully serve and learn together to raise children with hope and values, and we Merge with our community and world to make a difference in the lives of those around us.
We use Orange Curriculum in our classrooms and our focus is “Church + Family = Greater Impact.” We walk alongside children and families as we learn together about God’s great love and salvation.
We use Orange Curriculum in our classrooms and our focus is “Church + Family = Greater Impact.” We walk alongside children and families as we learn together about God’s great love and salvation.

3 months – Walking. We consider it an honor to care for these little ones. We engage in lots of playtime, cuddles, stories and worship songs. We are happy to follow parent’s instructions regarding feeding, changing and care during service times.
Walking – Potty Trained. We love engaging with our Toddlers and teaching them about Jesus. They learn through video stories and small craft projects that reinforce what they are being taught. We have plenty of play and social time.

Sea Turtles:
3 years - Kindergarten - Potty Trained. Our Preschoolers bring us great joy as we learn about Jesus together via video, stories, worship, crafts, and activities that reinforce our lessons.
The Landing:
1st grade – 3rd grade. We enjoy interacting with and teaching our elementary students through video stories, worship, and other activities designed to lead us as we learn together. We invite the children to assist with leading worship, games and being craft leader for the day. Free time using our gaming stations and other fun activities promotes Christ-centered connection.

Dock 45:
4th & 5th - The upper elementary students connect through worship, video lessons, games, and deep discussion. We invite the children to share ideas and concepts to gain a better understanding of the lessons being presented as we learn and grow together.